Narcissistic behavior exists between 0.5 to 5 % of the current population in USA. Its growing rapidly in numbers in America because it stems from the western idea- “I am an important person.” Most diagnosed in the age group of 18-41 years. When it comes to treatment, narcissism can be tricky because many people living with it do not necessarily feel the need to change. But living with narcissism does pose its own mental health effects, including anxiety, depression, personality disorders and substance use — and sometimes the impact of these effects causes the person to reach out for help.
When someone who is living with a narcissistic person seeks professional support, there is a lot of potential for growth and improved mental health. There are 5 types of narcissistic disorders
5 Types of Narcissistic Disorders
1. Overt type
The most common type, overt narcissists are more likely to feel good about themselves and less likely to experience uncomfortable emotions like sadness, worry, or loneliness. Such people are likely to have manipura or solar chakra blockage as well.
having an exaggerated self-image
needing to be praised and admired.
lacking empathy
2. Covert type
Covert narcissism is the contrast to overt narcissism. They are vulnerable and often feel lonely. Such people are likely to have muladhara (root chakra) or anahata (heart chakra) or both chakra blockage. Research suggests the categories of covert and overt narcissism are not always mutually exclusive. In other words, someone with overt narcissism might go through a period where they show more signs of covert narcissism, for example.
expressions of low self-esteem
higher likelihood of experiencing anxiety, depression, and shame
insecurity or low confidence
tendency to feel or play victim.
deep sense of fear
3. Antagonistic type
Antagonistic narcissism is a subtype of overt narcissism. With this aspect of narcissism, the focus is on rivalry and competition. Those with antagonistic narcissism reported they were less likely to forgive others than people with other types of narcissism. This person is likely to have Anahata chakra blockage. People with antagonistic narcissism may also have lower levels of trust in others.
tendency to take advantage of others.
tendency to compete with others.
disagreeability or proneness to arguing.
4. Communal type
Communal narcissism is another type of overt narcissism, and it’s usually seen as the opposite of antagonistic narcissism. While communal narcissism might cause you to say (and believe) you have a strong moral code or care for others, you might not realize the way you treat others doesn’t match up with your beliefs. For example- in an effort to clean your rivers you may have picked up a vast task to collect all the plastic and dirt
accumulated in your rivers and dumped them into neighboring rivers. In the eyes of the locals, you may seem like a hero, but you have just caused immense damage to the neighboring towns.
People with communal narcissism might:
become easily morally outraged.
describe themselves as empathetic and generous.
react strongly to things they see as unfair.
5. Malignant type
This type of narcissist is the most severe form. It can also cause more problems for the person living with it. Malignant narcissism is more closely connected to overt than covert narcissism. Someone with malignant narcissism may also share some traits with antisocial personality disorder. Vindictiveness-quality or act of showing a desire to harm someone because you think they have harmed you. Ex- if your wife threw away a torn pair of shoes not knowing those are your lucky pair, if you are narcissistic then you will be waiting for a similar opportunity to show revenge on her without realizing that her intentions were genuine.
sadism, or getting enjoyment from the pain of others.
aggression when interacting with other people.
paranoia, or heightened worry about potential threats
How to React to a Narcissist?
Separate yourself from the person.
Take time to heal.
Take responsibility for your part in a conflict.
React with empathy and respect.
Remain calm and unaffected.
Disengage from their conversations.
Set and enforce clear boundaries.
Keep your intentions and goals to yourself.
If you are living with a narcissistic person and need help dealing with that person or learn how Chakra healing can help a narcissistic person, get in touch with me or book a free 15 minute consultation.