The human ear can only hear a limited range of vibrations per second. In sound science, the number of vibrations per second is known as "frequency", which is measured in hertz (Hz).
The human ear is only capable of hearing sounds that vibrate at the frequency of 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). Dolphins and bats are capable of hearing sounds up to 100 kHz, so you can see how limited the human capacity for hearing sounds is.
At the heart of solfeggio frequencies is the belief that the vibrational signature of certain sounds, ranging from 174 Hz to 963 Hz, can positively impact our mental, physical and spiritual health
Sound healing is an effective and increasingly popular method for balancing the mind, body, and spirit. One of the most powerful tools in sound healing is solfeggio frequencies. Solfeggio frequency are special tones that can positively change your brainwave activity, promote relaxation, and reduce stress. They are also believed to help balance the body's chakras or energy centers.
The frequencies of the seven chakras are:

Root Chakra: 396 Hz
The color of this chakra is red and is called muladhara. The solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz stimulates the root chakra. This frequency is associated with the feeling of safety and security. It is also said to help with anxiety and fear. The lowest solfeggio frequencies, 396 Hz, can help ground and stabilize us. Music that contains this frequency allows us to connect to our natural state of feeling safe and secure.
Sacral Chakra: 417 Hz
The color of this chakra called swadhisthana is orange. Regarding the solfeggio frequencies, 417 Hz is said to help with creative visualization. This frequency can also help to increase our sexual energy and pleasure. When our sacral chakra is in balance, we feel confident and creative. We can enjoy our sexuality and our lives. With the help of 417 Hz, we can connect to our creative side and start manifesting our desires.
Solar Plexus Chakra: 528 Hz
The color of this chakra is yellow and is called manipura. The solfeggio frequency of 528 Hz stimulates the solar plexus chakra. This frequency is associated with personal power and confidence. It is also said to help with decision-making and manifestation. Music of this frequency helps us reconnect to who we are. It can also help us to make decisions from a place of strength and mental clarity.
Heart Chakra: 639 Hz
The heart chakra, or Anahata in Sanskrit, is located in the center of the chest and color ifs green. This chakra is associated with our ability to love both ourselves and others. It is also the chakra of compassion, forgiveness, and understanding. The solfeggio frequency of 639 Hz is said to help us heal old wounds and create relationships based on love and understanding. It is also said to help us connect with our higher self.
Music at 639 Hz can help us to heal old traumas and open our hearts to giving and receiving love.
Throat Chakra: 741 Hz
Blue is the color of the throat chakra because blue is often associated with communication and empathy. The solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz stimulates the throat chakra. 741 helps us to connect to our higher selves and express our authentic voices. It is also said to help with creative visualization and manifestation. When we listen to music at 741 Hz, we can open up to our higher purpose and begin to express ourselves in more authentic and creative ways.
Third Eye Chakra: 852 Hz
The third eye chakra, colored indigo, is related to the solfeggio frequency of 852 Hz. With music at this frequency, we can open up to our intuition and begin to see things more clearly. It is also said to help with meditation and relaxation. Those attuned to this frequency can often tap into their psychic abilities and sense things beyond the physical world. Awakening intuition also allows us to see the interconnectedness of all things.
Crown Chakra: 963 Hz
The colors associated with the crown chakra are violet and white. This is because violet is the color of spirituality, and white is the color of purity. The solfeggio frequency of 963 Hz stimulates the crown chakra. This frequency is said to help us connect with the Divine and our highest selves. It is also said to promote feelings of peace and bliss. When we listen to music at 963 Hz, we can open up to our spiritual side and experience a sense of oneness with the Universe and the spiritual order. This frequency can also help us to let go of our ego and connect with our higher purpose.

Benefits of Healing Frequencies!

While research continues to grow regarding healing frequencies, there is evidence to suggest that yes, healing frequencies do affect people in positive ways. Apart from studies, there is a significant amount of anecdotal evidence from individuals who share their experiences.
Many people report that healing frequencies can help calm the mind, relieve stress and even promote physical healing. Along with various other benefits, healing frequencies can have a positive impact on all of us. This is why classical notes in India whether southern carnatic or northern hindustani music has seven important notes. Popularly called saath sur or sapta swara.
By now you might be thinking – okay sounds great, but how does this actually work? Let’s get into science!
It is said that when all the chakras are balanced, we can function at our highest level. We can feel happy, healthy, and whole.
Practice Healing With Daily Sadhana
Here are many ways to balance the chakras besides healing frequencies. If you are a beginner, take the 7 DAYS MEDITATION CHALLENGE or if you desire long term wellness than try out CHAKRA CHARIOT (6 month) program, I use asanas, pranayama, bandhas, meditation, podcasts, books, webinars and counseling to help people balance the chakras.

Some others use crystals or essential oils. Another way to balance the chakras is using sound therapy with the solfeggio frequencies. Using solfeggio frequencies as background music or guided meditation can help clear and balance the chakras. Each of the frequencies is associated with a different chakra, and each frequency has its unique vibration.
Vibrations: Everything in the entire universe, even to the smallest atom, is vibrating. As such, everything in the body has its own natural frequency. Frequency refers to how fast those vibrations are happening. Healing frequencies may help “tune” the body back to balance if it’s out of sync, like tuning an instrument.
Resonance: When a sound at a particular frequency is played, it can cause certain parts of the body or mind to start vibrating in harmony with that frequency. This matching of vibrations is called resonance, and it’s thought to help restore balance or harmony in that area. This explains why solfehhio frequency has the seven popular notes Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti. The indian classical arts in the music has long mastered the techniques of these 7notes in the form of Sa Ri Ga Ma Pa Da Ni.
Brainwaves: Certain frequencies also affect brainwaves, helping you relax or focus. For example, binaural beats can create calming effects by using different sounds in each ear.
How Do Healing Frequencies Work?
The big idea here is that frequencies can have a healing or transformative impact because they can resonate with your body and restore it back to its natural frequencies.
If you struggle to grasp how vibrating at a specific frequency can heal your body, consider the analogy of the sieving technique used to separate good flour from bad flour. Sieving involves separating solid components based on size differences. By shaking the flour at a consistent speed, grains that match the sieve's pore size pass through, while larger, unwanted particles remain behind.
Similarly, when your body vibrates at a particular frequency, or gets tuned to a specific sound frequency, it can filter out toxic or unwanted components, allowing only beneficial elements to remain. Just as the sieve's pore size determines what passes through, in healing, the specific frequency plays a crucial role. As the healing frequencies increase it resonates with progressively higher chakras as we saw earlier. Healing frequencies, such as solfeggio frequencies, resonate with chakras in our body, enabling the release of harmful energies and the retention of positive, restorative vibrations.
Join the 7-Day Meditation Challenge starting Saturday. Morning and evening slots available for flexibility!
Healing is the art of bringing balance back into your life